Les llengües també ens permeten conéixer l'actualitat. Podeu veure aquestes imatges que publica el New York Times del terratrèmol i del tsunami que la nit passada va colpir Japó, comentades en anglés. Parlem per sí soles. Si cliqueu a la imatge on mostra l'epicentre del terratrèmol trobareu més imatges amb informació, com la que ens comenta que el sisme tingué lloc a les 14.30 hora local.
This is the story of guacamole! Over a thousand years ago, deep in the Aztec jungle, a small boy was searching for the elusive blue-footed booby bird. Suddenly, the boy stepped upon a ripe avocado, creating a mysterious green paste.? Without thinking, he reached down and tasted this paste, and thought to himself: ???Wow, that???s pretty good----but it would be perfect with a little diced tomato, onion, some chiles, garlic, cilantro, salt, and pepper, and a little lime juice to retain color.??Ã??? The good people of the Americas are forever indebted to this boy!
G-U-A-C-A-M-O-L-E Guacamole! Tastes great even though it looks like mutant jelly. Guacamole! G-U-A-C-A-M-O-L-E Guacamole! The green dip doubles as a facial cream. Guacamole!
Grab yo??? Avocado Salt and Lime juice also Throw in some Tomato Onion, Garlic and Cilantro Some add in Serrano Some like Jalapeno Don't make it too hot though when serving it to gringos!
next time you stick your chip into that magical green dip be sure to raise it high for that little Aztec guy G-U-A-C-A-M-O-L-E , G-U-A-C-A-M-O-L-E G-U-A-C-A-M-O-L-E , G-U-A-C-A Mole!
Each year around the world, International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8th. Hundreds of events take place to mark the achievements of women. It may be a day of celebration but there is still much to be done to give women equal opportunities in today’s world.
IWD (International Women’s Day) began in 1911. At that time, many women were still campaigning for the right to vote for members of parliaments around the world.
International Women's Day (IWD), originally called International Working Women’s Day. It is a major day of global celebration of women. In different regions the focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women to a celebration for women's economic, political and social achievements.
The mimosa is the symbol of the celebrations of Women's day in Italy and Russia
Have a look to these photos, you can see women around the world celebrating the Internacional Women's Day IWD
Allí entre altres informacions interessants, hem trobat aquest video que esperem us agrade. Com podeu veure teniu sis idiomes per a poder triar. "Naciones Unidas: Nosotros los pueblos...Unidos por un mundo mejor", segons diu a la versió en castellà.
Us proposem també aquest viatge "Human Planet" de la mà de la BBC que estem segurs que us impactarà.