dimecres, 27 d’octubre del 2010

Halloween Party!!!

Tenim les decoracions, el menjar, les cançons...ara ens falta assajar aquest ball que hem aprés a classe.
Recordeu que tenim que fer un cercle i seguir les instruccions que ens donen.


Here we go Spooky Loo, Here we go Spooky Light, Here we go Spooky Loo, All in a Halloween night.

1. You put your right hand in,
You out your right hand out,
You give your right hand a shake, shake, shake,
And turn yourself about. Oh!

Here we go Spooky Loo, Here we go Spooky Light, Here we go Spooky Loo, All in a Halloween night.

2. left hand 3. right food 4. left food 5. head 6. whole self

I tant sols ens faltaran els jocs, què tal el típic de recollir pomes:

Apple Catch Game

cal ser ràpid per tal d'arreplegar-les totes abans de caure a terra, veritat?

I aneu preparant-se per al joc: Bobbing for apples

Bobbing for Apples

The traditional Halloween game! Put apples in a clean large container filled with water and remove the apples from the water with your teeth, without using your hands.

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

Hola som Ariadna i Sofia,la festa de halloween va estar supermega divertida.
Esperem que a vosaltres tambe vos
us hagi agradat molt.