divendres, 12 de novembre del 2010

Thanksgiving Day

The Turkey Song
(Tune “Twinkle, twinkle little star”)

Turkey, turkey look at you
Please, be careful what you do.

Thanksgiving Day will soon be here,
We eat turkey every year.

Go and hide out in the woods,
We’ll eat pizza as we should!

You can have more information about Thanksgiving Day

dijous, 11 de novembre del 2010

Jocs de tardor / Autumn games

Ací ens teniu preparant amb molta il.lusió la festa d'aquesta vesprada.
Els dolços ja estan fets i estem ultimant els detalls.
Us esperem a tots!!!!

Us presentem aquesta selecció d'entreteniments, cal seguir els enllaços i les instruccions.
Ja ens direu el que més us agrada.

- It's autumn and Sally Squirrel is collecting nuts for the winter. Can you help her collect nuts before it gets too cold? GO

- What's the weather like in China? What's the weather like in Egypt? Listen to the weather news and put the weather symbols in the right places.

- A haunted house has lots of scary things in it - ghosts, skeletons and lots more! Can you find objects in the haunted house?

- Be safe with fireworks. Fireworks are great fun, but they can also be dangerous. Learn about being safe around fireworks with this matching activity.