dilluns, 11 d’abril del 2011

Yuri's Night

Yuri's Night is an international celebration held on April 12th every year to commemorate space exploration milestones. The event is named for the first human to launch into space, Yuri Gagarin, who flew the Vostok 1 spaceship on April 12th, 1961. In 2004, people celebrated Yuri's Night in 34 countries in over 75 individual events. Locations have included Los Angeles, Stockholm, Antarctica, the San Francisco Bay Area, Tel Aviv, Tokyo, and the International Space Station.

Per tal de celebrar-lo us proposem navegar per aquestos links:

Yuri's Night Blog
The Solar System: Astronomy for Kids
Astronomy for Kids
Astronomy for Kids Online

Esperem us agrade l'experiència.