Sembla que la seua sorpresa té relació amb el 2012, veritat?
dijous, 15 de desembre del 2011
Música i taller artesanal
Sembla que la seua sorpresa té relació amb el 2012, veritat?
dijous, 1 de desembre del 2011
Countdwn to Christmas..
It begins four Sundays before Christmas.
Advent calendars are a countdown to Christmas Day.
The first sign of Christmas in a Bristish home is the children's advent calendar.
The calendars start on the first day of December.
Advent calendars are a fun way to help children to know when Christmas Eve will arive, an important night for them because Father Christmas (Santa Claus) will visit them bringing gifts.
An Advent calendar is a poster or card with twenty-four small doors, one to be opened each day from 1st December until Christmas Eve.
Each door conceals a picture.
Every morning children open one window of the calendar to see a pretty picture or find a chocolate inside.

Pay attention to our corridor, the coutdown to Christmas has started today!!!!
Write comments to say everybody what's inside the envelopes.
dimarts, 22 de novembre del 2011
Thanksgiving Day

Com ja sabeu el quart dijous de Novembre es celebra aquesta gran festa als USA.
Us invitem a gaudir d'aquest llibre interactiu que hem trobat al núvol i que ens ha semblat ple de bones i atractives propostes
Thank you very much Mónica!!!
Your blog it's very interesting TIC-cher's place

divendres, 18 de novembre del 2011
Yung Wen our Italian friend from Taiwan



Volem agrair a Yung WEn la seua visita i tot el que ens havia ensenyat, ens hem conegut per l'italià, llengua que ens atrau tant a ella com a nosaltres. Vam gaudir molt amb tot el que ens va contar del seu país, escoltant-la cantar en la seua llengua, aprenent a escriure els nostres noms en xinés tradicional, usar els palets per a menjar com ho fan ells, comunicant-nos en l'anglés que coneguem i posant en marxa tots els nostres recursos...
Ara pasem a tindre contacte virtual, ja que ens separa una gran distància tant en l'espai com en el temps. Ells comencen el dia quan nosaltres encara estem descansant.
Us deixem amb les seues dedicatòries i en les reflexions que ens va dedicar respecte a la importancia de l'aprenentatge de les llengües:
"Imparare le lingue è come aprire una porta in più: per conoscere meglio questo mondo, non restare soltanto nel proprio paese, nel solito modo di pensare.
Grazie alla nuova tecnologia il mondo ormai è globalizzazato, la distanza tra gli paesi non sono così lontani come una volta.
Sapendo una lingua in più come aprire 3 porte diverse, hai tanti modi di pensare diversamente che la gente normale, e così la visione verso il mondo sarà più aperta, quando la gente sa comunicare bene evitano le guerre, gli scontri, e ha pazienza di ascoltare, di capire i diversi popoli, senza pregiudizio, e quello più importante è imparare come rispettare le persone diverse da se stesse.
I bambini possono e hanno possibilità di migliorare il loro mondo, basta avere una educazione addatta.
Anni fa sembrava difficile per comunicare tra diversi razzi, ma adesso abbiamo tutta la scelta davanti, perché scegliere di chiudere le porte invece di aprirle?
dilluns, 7 de novembre del 2011
Hola mis queridos amigos
Hello all my dear friends of Santa Anna:
It´s Yung-Wen :) now you can see a video clip from Taiwan here!
It was so nice to know you and share our different cultures,and it was really impressive to me that you guys are interested in different things!
Thanks to Pilar who got this fantastic idea that make all of us have this chance to be together, now you know this world is sooooooo big and he´s waiting for you to explore, go ahead and make your adventure start!
This is a band in Taiwan that I like very much, hope you will like too!
Wish you all the best, a biggest hug :-D
dijous, 27 d’octubre del 2011
Halloween Fancy Dress Party
Els alumnes de 6é estem preparant amb molta il.lusió la festa de Halloween ja que aquest curs ens toca ser els organizadors.
Des del més menuts als més grans estan aprenent i gaudint amb les cançons que anem a cantar i ballar junts.
La primera ens servirà per portar-nos a tots al lloc de celebració.:
"Girls and boys go out to play The moon it's bright oin Halloween night..."

La festa començarà amb aquesta melodia que ens explica el significat de Halloween:
"Halloween, halloween what does it mean?

I tot seguit els alumnes d'Infantil ens cantaran:
-"Little Spider" i "At Halloween" i ens faran saber com actuen spiders, ghosts, bats, witches and children... eixa nit.

Els de 1r ens han preparat una sorpresa, així és que caldrà esperar per saber de que es tracta i els de 2n cantaran "Now it's Halloween night, what can you see?"

Amb els alumnes de 3r i 4t veurem com menegen l'esquelet "Dry bones"

5é ens ensenyarà a ballar "Spooky Loo" interpretada a la flauta per alumnes de 6é i per finalitzar tots en cercles gaudirem dansant.
Així que tot a punt per a la gran festa, hem estat molt enfeinats i més d'un s'ha trobat un poc malalt amb aquests canvis d'oratge, fins i tto Mog, el mussol de la bruixeta Meg, ha perdut la veu. Meg ha intentat posar reme, però mireu què va passar...
Happy Halloween!!!
dimecres, 8 de juny del 2011
Mas de Borràs
El dilluns 30 de Maig vam començar el dia d'una manera molt especial, arribàrem a l'escola amb les maletes preparades per al viatge tan desitjat al Mas de Borràs.
I des de que vam pujar a l'autobus que vam iniciar l'aventura, que ens portà fins a Villahermosa del Río on ens esperàvem Cristóbal, Alba i Paula, que junt a Javier, ens acompanyarien aquestos dies.
Vam recórrer el poble i vam fer una marxa d'un hora fins arribar al Mas, i tot costera amunt, però el premi a l'arribar va ser la bellesa de l'entorn i les cases de fusta on ens anàvem a instal.lar.
Dels tres dies que vam compartir, destaquem que vam gaudir moltíssim amb totes les activitats a les que vam participar: piscina, visita al poblat íber, pont-mono, tirolina, tir a l'arc, barranc de l'aventura, joc de pistes, disco nocturna... També que ens vam tractar de meravella tots els monitors i que vam conviure dia i nit.
A l'escola vam tornar el dijous 2 amb horari de matí, això sí amb un somriure d'orella a orella i moltes ganes de recordar els bons moments i contar-los als que no vam poder acompanyar-nos.
Una experiència que no oblidarem mai!
dimecres, 13 d’abril del 2011
Earth Day

Do One Green Thing A Day!
Help Yourself Help The Planet by doing one green thing a day. It's called Planetpals One A Day Pledge. And, like a One-a-day vitamin, it will make you healthier and happier inside and out. In fact, we guarantee, it will make you and your world better.
Just 1 thing! We don't care what one green thing you do, big orsmall, just do something each day!
Do one thing
big or small
Just be green
it helps us all
A little thing
A thing a day
Can change the world
In a great big way :)
Just learn to be a Planetpal
Yes, it's that simple. and Planetpals blog give you loads of pro active tools to become a better person in a better world.
Whether your passion is recycle crafts, caring for animals, planting a garden, or eating organic, there are plenty of great ideas for you...just see our site map.
dimarts, 12 d’abril del 2011
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
And the dreams that you dream of
once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly
And the dreams that you dream of,
dreams really do come true.
Someday I’ll wish upon a star, wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops,
that’s where you’ll find me.
Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly
And the dreams that you dare to, oh why, oh why can’t I?
Well I see trees of green and red roses too,
I’ll watch them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
Well I see skies of blue and clouds of white
and the brightness of day
I like the dark
and I think to myself, what a wonderful world
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
are also on the faces of people passing by
I see friends shaking hands saying,
How do you do?
They’re really saying, I – I love you
I hear babies cry and I watch them grow,
they’ll learn much more than we’ll know
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
Someday I’ll wish upon a star, wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops,
that’s where you’ll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
And the dreams that you dare to, oh why, oh why can’t I?
dilluns, 11 d’abril del 2011
Yuri's Night

Yuri's Night is an international celebration held on April 12th every year to commemorate space exploration milestones. The event is named for the first human to launch into space, Yuri Gagarin, who flew the Vostok 1 spaceship on April 12th, 1961. In 2004, people celebrated Yuri's Night in 34 countries in over 75 individual events. Locations have included Los Angeles, Stockholm, Antarctica, the San Francisco Bay Area, Tel Aviv, Tokyo, and the International Space Station.
Per tal de celebrar-lo us proposem navegar per aquestos links:
Yuri's Night Blog
The Solar System: Astronomy for Kids
Astronomy for Kids
Astronomy for Kids Online
Esperem us agrade l'experiència.
dimecres, 30 de març del 2011
April Fool's Day

April Fool's Day is almost upon us, and it falls on Friday this year.
April Fools' Day is celebrated in many countries on April 1st. On this day you can play a trick on someone.
Have a look to this Power Point Presentation
You can fine here more information.
dissabte, 12 de març del 2011
Terratrèmol i tsunami al Japó

Les llengües també ens permeten conéixer l'actualitat.
Podeu veure aquestes imatges que publica el New York Times del terratrèmol i del tsunami que la nit passada va colpir Japó, comentades en anglés. Parlem per sí soles.
Si cliqueu a la imatge on mostra l'epicentre del terratrèmol trobareu més imatges amb informació, com la que ens comenta que el sisme tingué lloc a les 14.30 hora local.
divendres, 11 de març del 2011
Aprendre llengües és divertit!
Hello! Help me!
My mom gave me a lot of chores..
I'll help you!
Help me, I have a lot of chores.
Help me because my house is dirty.
Help me, I have a lot of chores.
Help me because my house is dirty.
Where is the list?
It's here.
Where is the list?
It's very long.
I don't want to clean, but I should.
There's no problem because I'm here!
Help me, I have a lot of chores.
Help me because my house is dirty.
Help me, I have a lot of chores.
Help me because my house is dirty.
Arrange my room.
Make the bed.
Cut the lawn.
Clean the bathroom.
Feed the dog.
Wash the dishes.
Set the table.
Help me, I have a lot of chores.
Help me because my house is dirty.
Help me, I have a lot of chores.
Help me because my house is dirty.
This is the story of guacamole! Over a thousand years ago, deep in the Aztec jungle, a small boy was searching for the elusive blue-footed booby bird. Suddenly, the boy stepped upon a ripe avocado, creating a mysterious green paste.? Without thinking, he reached down and tasted this paste, and thought to himself: ???Wow, that???s pretty good----but it would be perfect with a little diced tomato, onion, some chiles, garlic, cilantro, salt, and pepper, and a little lime juice to retain color.??Ã??? The good people of the Americas are forever indebted to this boy!
Tastes great even though it looks like mutant jelly.
The green dip doubles as a facial cream.
Grab yo??? Avocado Salt and Lime juice also
Throw in some Tomato Onion, Garlic and Cilantro Some add in Serrano Some like Jalapeno
Don't make it too hot though when serving it to gringos!
next time you stick your chip
into that magical green dip
be sure to raise it high
for that little Aztec guy
G-U-A-C-A-M-O-L-E ,
G-U-A-C-A-M-O-L-E ,
G-U-A-C-A Mole!
dijous, 10 de març del 2011
dimarts, 8 de març del 2011

Each year around the world, International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8th. Hundreds of events take place to mark the achievements of women. It may be a day of celebration but there is still much to be done to give women equal opportunities in today’s world.
IWD (International Women’s Day) began in 1911. At that time, many women were still campaigning for the right to vote for members of parliaments around the world.
International Women's Day (IWD), originally called International Working Women’s Day. It is a major day of global celebration of women. In different regions the focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women to a celebration for women's economic, political and social achievements.

The mimosa is the symbol of the celebrations of Women's day in Italy and Russia
Have a look to these photos, you can see women around the world celebrating the Internacional Women's Day IWD
divendres, 4 de març del 2011
International Year of Forests, 2011
Us proposem una visita a la pàgina de les Nacions Unides dedicada al
International Year of Forests, 2011
"Celebrating Forests for People"
Allí entre altres informacions interessants, hem trobat aquest video que esperem us agrade. Com podeu veure teniu sis idiomes per a poder triar. "Naciones Unidas: Nosotros los pueblos...Unidos por un mundo mejor", segons diu a la versió en castellà.
Us proposem també aquest viatge "Human Planet" de la mà de la BBC que estem segurs que us impactarà.
dimecres, 9 de febrer del 2011
Deep Peace
Deep Peace of the running wave to you
Deep Peace of the flowing air to you
Deep Peace of the quiet earth to you
Deep Peace of the shining star to you
Deep Peace of the gentle night to you
pour their healing light on you
Deep Peace to you
dilluns, 31 de gener del 2011
Peace Day

Each child is a special star.
We are all different colors.
Togheter we can form a beautiful tapestry.
To make a unique rainbow.
Be a star!
Shed and share your light. You will shine forever! Your rays will brighten the world for others. Illuminate those around you with love and caring.Looking for information about this celebration, we've learnt that is not the same:
- The International Day of Peace
- The School Day of Non-violence and Peace
Can you tell us the differences?
divendres, 28 de gener del 2011
A very special journey!
They arrived to Quartell from:



You can have a look to this album
We've seen at school the book, at the Auditori the theatre and now we can have a look to this trailer. Do you recognize the plot and the main characters?
dilluns, 17 de gener del 2011
Around the world in eighty days...
One day in the Reform Club, Mr. Phileas Fogg, an Englishman who usually never travels, makes a bet that he can go around the world in 80 days. The same day Passepartout has just started work as Phileas Fogg’s new servant. He is in search of a quiet life. Everything changes with the bet, and, after packing a few essential things, the two men embark on a big adventure to try to win it.
The first part of the journey is by train through the English country down to the sea, where they must cross the English Channel. However, when they get there, they meet John Roberts, a pipe-smoking sailor, who tells them that they have missed the boat. Fortunately, John Roberts offers them the use of his own boat, free of charge! They set sail, and eventually make it to India.
While they are in Bombay, in the heart of India, they meet at beautiful princess named Aouda. Aouda is kind to them and she shows them a new way to travel through the jungle by elephant in order to continue their journey and reach Hong Kong.
The two travellers make their way to Hong Kong by elephant with and Aouda also shows Phileas Fogg a beautiful traditional Indian dance from Bombay, before they say goodbye. In Hong Kong, Phileas Fogg and Passepartout get separated. While looking for Phileas Fogg, Passepartout meets a Phileas Fogg, Passepartout meets a Chinese magician called Chao Lin-Chin. He is a funny man who is short sighted and often misunderstands things, but he is able to do magic tricks.
Passepartout and Phileas Fogg eventually find each other and set sail for London. They think they have arrived a day too late for Phileas Fogg to win his bet, but they are not sure. Passepartout goes to buy the newspaper in order to fi nd out what the date is, in order to see if they have managed to travel all the way around the world in eighty days!
dissabte, 1 de gener del 2011
New Year's Resolutions

In the British culture, before a new year starts people usually make New Year Resolutions. That is, they promise to change something in their lifestyle. The reforming of this 'bad' habit will be beneficial for them and, sometimes, for the people around them. Typical New Year Resolutions include health (quit smoking, drink less alcohol; lose weight); finances (save money); education (improve marks at school, start learning a new language); improve self (reduce stress, better organization).
Have a look tothis funny video clip with some kids behaving and talking like adults and on which they make New Year Resolutions.
-I wanna stop gossiping . / -Did you see what she was wearing? / -I know!
This year, I'm gonna join a bikers gang.
This year, I'm gonna control my shopping .
I'm gonna stop spending six dollars on a cup of coffee.
I'm gonna control my anger.
What are you doing? Can't you see I'm trying to work here?
I wanna find that special girl. How you doing?
This year, I'm gonna call my parents more.
This year, I wanna get rid of this pot belly!
I wanna care more about the environment.
I wanna be a better handyman.
This year, I'm gonna be my own boss.
I'm gonna tithe 10% of my gross pay.
This year, I will pay off all my debts.
I'm gonna go back to school and get my Master's.
I wanna complete a marathon.
I wanna quit smoking.
This year, I'll control my road rage.
-I wanna have a daily quiet time. / -"What's your resolution?" -Okay, maybe a monthly quiet time.
In this video clip some kids use going to (gonna) to express a firmer determination to better some aspect of their life. Others stick to will, just a promise. And a third group resorts to wanna (want to).